The EuDML metadata schema version 1.0 as defined by deliverable 3.2 is heavily based on the modular Journal Archiving and Interchange Tag Set (JATS) version 3.0 published by the the National Library of Medicine (NLM).
It is implemented in three DTDs providing the 3 root elements holding XML metadata for three major types of items, namely journal articles, books, and multivolume works. A consequence of this choice is that book parts (typically individual articles in a proceedings volumes), while being “first class citizens” in our abstract model, are described and exchanged within the whole book they belong to.
Journal articles are described with a minimal extension of Journal Archiving and Interchange Tag Set with root element <article>:
Books are described with a minor extension of the Book Tag Set with root
element <book>:
Multivolume works are described by a new root element <mbook>. Multivolume works’ metadata is identical to <book> metadata, with the addition of references to individual constituents (volumes). The element <book-meta> is replaced by <mbook-meta> with same structure, except:
This document presents the different items of the EuDML metedata schema and how to deal with them. Examples are given to illustrate the different cases.
Many example XML files can be downloaded from EuDML temporary repox installation