EuDML acquired now a license for InftyReader Ver.2.9.0 with FineReader plug-in.
InftyReader is a OCR software licensed by the Nonprofit Organization Science Accessibility Network (sAccessNet).
This software is used to recognize scientific documents including mathematical formulae, and to output the recognition results into various file formats: LaTeX, MathML, XHTML, HRTeX, IML.
SIMAI (Società Italiana di Matematica Applicata e Industriale) and UMI (Unione Matematica Italiana) are since the beginning of 2012 EuDML Associated Partners. Their project, the BDIM collection, that comprises "Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana" and an extended collection of Salvatore Pincherle works, will be completely accessible through EuDML portal.
As part of the project meeting at Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, a colloquium was organized for the faculty. Thierry Bouche, Aleksander Nowiński, Petr Sojka and Volker Sorge presented the EuDML project in the talk Le projet EuDML: état des lieux et premiers résultats.
Colloquium about EuDML project by Thierry Bouche, Aleksander Nowinski, Petr Sojka and Volker Sorge, tomorrow at 16h45, room 04, Institut Fourier, Grenoble.
For more information visit:
SIGIR 2012 will take place in Portland, Oregon, USA between 12 and 16 August 2012
The 14th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries - ICADL 2012,
is hosted by National Taiwan University, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. The conference will take place between 12 and 15 November 2012.