The article: "Project EuDML - A first year demonstration" by J. Borbinha,   Th. Bouche,  A. Nowiñski and P. Sojka  has been published in the book " Intelligent Computer Mathematics". It describes the results of the first year of the EuDML project, an initiative building a new multilingual service for searching and browsing the content of existing European portals of mathematical content. They demonstrate the first versions and proofs of concept of the EuDML portal, its content aggregator and toolset for added value.

The book contains the Proceedings of the "Calculemus" and "Mathematics Knowledge Management" conferences held in Bertinoro, Italy, in July 2011, and is part of the series "Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence" edited by Springer.

EuDML achievements and score at half time were presented at Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung, Minisymposium "Fragen der Information und Kommunikation in der Mathematik" held in Köln (Germany), on 21–22 September 2011.

Michael Jost (FIZ) gave the talk Was macht die Digitale Mathematische
Bibliothek – Halbzeit im EuDML-Projekt

Project Review

The mid-term project review took place in the Euroforum, Luxembourg, on the 09th of September 2011.

 The FréDoc ("Formation des réseaux de la documentation": Training of the documentation networks) is an annual meeting around the practises of ITS.

Presentation in EuroScipy 2011, Paris

Petr Sojka and Radim Řehůřek (MU) presented a poster on Gensim - the Python librabry aimed at digital document indexing and similarity search and fast,
memory-efficient, scalable algorithms for Singular Value Decomposition and Latent Dirichlet Allocation.


After the public presentation of EuDML, at the CICM'11 Systems and Projects track, EuDML early version is available for public by Demo: EuDML beta.

EuDML Plenary meeting in Bertinoro

The 4th EuDML internal plenary meeting took place in the University Residential Center of Bertinoro, on the afternoon of the 21st of July 2011. EuDML partners reported about the project status and prepared the project review for September 2011.

Several talks concerning EuDML project were delivered in this year Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics CICM 2011 held in Bertinoro, Forli (Italy), from 18th to 23rd July.

EuDML Plenary meeting in Madrid

The 3rd EuDML internal plenary meeting took place in IEDCYT (formerly CINDOC) Science and Technology Section, on 31.01.2011 and 01.02.2011. EuDML partners reported about the project status and prepared the workshop for July 2011.

Jiří Rákosník presented the goals and achievements of EuDML at a seminar organized for the faculty and students.