EuDML workshop with content providers

The workshop held in the Institute of Mathematics ASCR in Prague on 15 October 2010 aimed at bringing together all content providers in the project to discuss the findings of the preliminary analysis of the collections and the technical orientation to be pursued.


9.00–12.30 WP3: EuDML workshop with content providers – State of the art

9.00–9.30 Welcome (Prague authorities, local organization and practical details, J .Borbinha, Th. Bouche, J. Rákosník)

The last few places are available at Europeana´s Open Culture 2010 conference: booking will close shortly as we are nearing our 350 capacity.

The keynote speakers are Liam Wyatt, the British Museum´s first Wikipedian in Residence, who will give a keynote on Peace, Love & Metadata: a cultural collaboration with Wikipedia, and James Crawford, Engineering Director for Google Books, who will talk about the present and future of the project.

Thierry Bouche presented Le projet EuDML in the workshop Documentation mathématique CIRM held in Luminy, France, on 11 October 2010.

Workshop with content providers, Prague

Between October 13th and 16th, 2010, will be held in Prague, Czech Republic, the internal technical meeting. On July 15th will take place the workshop with content providers. This event will be hosted at the Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciencies of the Czech Republic.

Petr Sojka had a talk on Specifics of Open Access Publishing and Retrodigitization in Mathematics: An Experience from DML-CZ and EuDML Projects in the COASP conference held in Prague on 28 August 2010.

DML 2010 in Paris

W. Sylwestrzak, J. Borbinha, Th. Bouche, A. Nowiński and P. Sojka presented the project in the lecture EuDML – towards the European Digital Mathematics Library in the workshop DML 2010 held in Paris on 7 July 2010. See also the paper in proceedings.

Participation of Thierry Bouche (UJF/CMD) and Jiří Rákosník (IMAS) in the EMS Council Meeting. Jiří presented the EuDML project there and distributed the flyers to the participants (English, French and Spanish versions).  The project attracted the attention of the audience. The EMS president Ari Laptev and some other participants paid attention to it in their speeches. The EMS President elect Marta Sanz-Solé emphasized importance of the project and declared that EMS will support it.

Jiří Rákosník (IMAS) wrote a short report on the DML-CZ and EuDML projects for the proceedings (in Czech) and presented both projects in the plenary meeting of the General Assembly of the Union of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists in Lázně Bohdaneč on 28–30 June 2010.

Thierry Bouche published a detailed information about the EuDML project in the European Mathematical Society Newsletter.

EuDML plenary meeting in Paris

This year CICM will be held in Paris, France, between the 5th and the 10th of July. Several talks concerning EuDML project will be delivered at this annual event.

CICM'10 will also hold, on July 7th-8th the DML 2010 3rd workshop. Objectives of this workshop are to formulate the strategy and goals of a global mathematical digital library and to summarize the up to now achievements and failures of ongoing technologies and related projects. This workshop is organized by Petr Sojka, Michael Růžička (members of the EuDML partner: Masaryk University).

During this event the EuDML internal plenary meeting will take place. EuDML partners will report about the project status.