Cellule MathDoc at Université Joseph Fourier Grenoble (UJF/CMD)


Cellule MathDoc is a ―joint service unit‖ both of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique and of Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble). It is devoted to mathematical documentation and in charge of the NUMDAM program where a large number of mathematical journals have been digitized and made available. Many of the features expected to be implemented at the European level by this project are already running there (we can stress reference linking to reviewing databases and to full texts, acquisition of born digital content from some publishers, among whom those collaborating with CEDRAM, Springer SBM and Elsevier Science). However, it lacks uniform multilingual and math-specific features which should be better tackled at the European level. For the purpose of this project, CMD is split up in two parts: UJF/CMD for UJF staff at CMD, which will take over the major part of the work to be achieved, and CNRS/CMD, partner No. 14, for CNRS staff at CMD whose involvement will be mandatory in some specific tasks.

Thierry Bouche, EuDML’s scientific coordinator, is mathematician, maître de conférences at University Joseph Fourier (Grenoble). Member of the electronic publication committee (EPC) of the European Mathematical Society (EMS), co-chair of the digitisation standards committee of the WDML (IMU committee), in charge of NUMDAM, CEDRAM, Gallica-Math, mini-DML at MathDoc. Invited speaker and member of the programme committees of various conferences in the field of mathematical digital libraries.

Claude Goutorbe is engineer in computer science. Highly qualified specialist in Information Retrieval, databases, digital documentation, and web applications. He has developed several major information systems such as the database manager and web interface for Zentralblatt-MATH, NUMDAM, CEDRAM and mini- DML. 

UJF/CMD Homepage