JEMS available in the EuDML

Journal of the European Mathematical Society has been included in the EuDML. Its whole content is available there with a 5 years moving wall. The data is served by the Czech Digital Mathematics Library. We hope that further journals of the EMS Publishing House will follow.

The EuDML Initiative General Assembly

The regular meeting of the EuDML Initiative General Assembly was held after the European Congress of Mathematics in Berlin on 23 July 2016. According to the Statutes, the governing bodies for the next two years have been elected. Tasks for the next period have been determined. The EuDML currently contains over 250,000 items from 14 collections which means an increase of more than 10 % since the end of the project funding in 2013.

The Executive Committee of the European Mathematical Society has set up the EuDML Scientific Advisory Board see the Governing section.

7th European Congress of Mathematics

The quadrennial Congress of the European Mathematical Society will take place in Berlin on July 18–22, 2016. The programme will include also a discussion panel "The Future of Mathematical Publishing" organized jointly by the European and American Mathematical Societies on Thursday July 21st from 16:30, and a mini-symposium "Towards a Global Digital Mathematics Library" organized by Olaf Teschke (FIZ Karlsruhe), Patrick Ion (American Mathematical Society) on Friday July 22nd, from 09:00.

The network EU-MATHS-IN initiated preparation of the project Mathematical Modelling, Simulation and Optimisation Service Infrastructure for Industry and Innovation (MSO-IN). One work package was planned for enhancing the EuDML as „an infrastructure that supports the creators and users of MSO innovation with freely accessible research publications and derived information on experts and expert institutions, as well as connections to related MSO mathematical models and software“.

Following the public consultation organized by DG Connect in August and September a one-day workshop was held in Brussels on 6 November 2014, bringing together around 50 experts to further elaborate ideas and identify key promising themes. Marta Sanz-Solé, Gert-Martin Greuel, Fabian Müller, Aleksander Nowiński and Jiří Rákosník represented the EMS, EuDML Initiative and zbMATH and promoted the idea of e-infrastructure for archiving mathematical knowledge in long lasting interlinked a largely accessible repositories.

The DG Connect organized the public consultation "Mathematics and Digital Science" in August and September to explore how mathematics can help science to better address the Big Data and high performance computing (HPC) challenges. Several representatives of the EuDML Initiative took part empahsizing importance of mathematics and a an infrastructure for mathematics.

CICM 2014 with DML track

Since 2008, DML workshop, now CICM track, become a meeting for researchers working on topics related to the ecosystem of DML. This year, CICM is held in Aveiro, from July 7th to 11th. DML invited lecture, panel and most DML presentations will take place on Friday, July 11th.

EuDML Initiative established

In order to secure sustainability and further development of the EuDML the international association EuDML Initiative has been established by 12 founding institutions who signed the Statutes in February 2014:

Petr Sojka presented some of the EuDML math-aware technologies in his lecture The European Digital Mathematical Library: An Overview of Math Specific Technologies in the 10th NTCIR Conference on Evaluation of Information Access Technologies held on 18–21 June 2013 in Tokyo, Japan.