CICM 2012

The next Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics, CICM 2012, will take place at Jacobs University in Bremen, Germany, from 08 to 13 July 2012. One of its tracks will be the workshop on digital mathematics libraries DML 2012 organized by EuDML partners.

EuDML will participate in the 6ECM with the panel discussion "EuDML: Accessing Europe's mathematical treasures" on Monday, July 2, 17:15-19:15.

On June 1-3, the Committee on Electronic Information and Communication (CEIC) of the International Mathematical Union (IMU) organized a symposium on "The Future World Heritage Digital Mathematics Library: Plans and Prospects" at the National Academy of Sciences, Washington DC (USA).

EuDML presentation at QQML2012

The 4th International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries (QQML2012) was held on 22-25 May in Limerick, Ireland. On the 25th May, EUDML members gave the presentation European Digital Mathematics Library - developing modern library for European mathematical heritage

Petr Sojka (MU) presented invited talk Why TeX math search is more relevant now than ever? in the Portsmouth University Computing Seminar on 21 May 2012.

Jiří Rákosník presented the Czech Digital Mathematics Library in the 5th Meeting of the Czech users of DSpace in Ostrava on 17 May 2012.

Abel Prize 2012

As published in Abel Prize 2012 event page: "The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters has decided to award the Abel Prize for 2012 to Endre Szemerédi, Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest and Department of Computer Science, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA.

Encyclopedia of Mathematics Wiki

Springer and the European Mathematical Society (EMS) have launched Encyclopedia of Mathematics wiki, an open access resource designed for the mathematical community from the 2002 online Encyclopaedia of Mathematics. This resource contains about 8,000 entries and illuminates nearly 50,000 notions in mathematics.

As published in IMU Newsletter of March 2012, "From June 1-3, 2012 the symposium "The Future World Heritage Digital Mathematics Library: Plans and Prospects" will take place at the National Academy of Sciences in Washington DC. The symposium is organized by IMU's Committee on Electronic Information and Communication (CEIC) that, thus, continues to play a leading role in promoting the establishment of a World Digital Mathematics Library.

Preliminary version of Release 1.2

A new version of the toolset for EuDML site was released in February, Release 1.2. The toolset is now in tests and improvement stage.

Visit the demo page: or
If you are interested in participating, sign in the evaluation user group by sending an e-mail (with your name and contact) to: