Jiří Rákosník (IMAS) presented the EuDML in the Biannual Meeting of Teachers of Mathematics at All Types and Levels of Schools in Srní, Czech Republic, on 8–10 November 2012.
The W3C Open Annotation Community Group [1] is developing an open, general-purpose model for describing scholarly annotations of Web resources, including scholarly journal articles, class Web pages, mathematics eprints, etc. Leveraging emerging Semantic Web standards and Linked Open Data best practices, the goal of Open Annotation is interoperability that simultaneously supports advanced scholarly discourse and a wide-range of content repositories and annotation tools.
Jiří Rákosník (IMAS), Peter Stanchev, Georege Simeonov and Radoslav Pavlov (IMI-BAS) presented the paper "Bulgarian Digital Mathematical Library BulDML and Czech Digital Mathematical Library DML-CZ as parts of the European Digital Mathematics Library EuDML" in the International Conference on Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage, V. Tarnovo, Bulgaria, 18–21 September 2012.
Petr Sojka (MU) presented the talk Towards Digital Mathematics Libraries: Collection and Search in the 10th Reunion of Comissão Nacional de Matemática at University of Coimbra in Portugal on 7 September 2012.
The EMS Newsletter, issue 85, September 2012, published a report on the current EuDML Release 1.3 and on the foreseen future of the EuDML EuDML: The prototype and further development by Olaf Teschke (FIZ) and Jiří Rákosník (IMAS).
As published in the May IMU Newsletter "The next International Congress of Mathematicians will take place in Seoul, Korea, from Wednesday August 13, through Thursday August 21,
2014(...)". The complete text can be found at http://www.mathunion.org/imu-net/archive/2012/imu-net-53/
The pre-registration has already been open, see the congress webpage.
Since 2008, every year a workshop on Digital Mathematics Libraries (DML) was a part of the Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM).
For the proceedings see http://dml.cz/handle/10338.dmlcz/702563.
This year CICM was held in Jacobs University in Bremen (Germany) on July 8-13 (http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/cicm2012/).
As part of DML track there were three events related to EuDML:
A new version of the toolset for EuDML site was released in May. The following services are currently integrated and functional: Zentralblatt Math reference match and lookup, Université Joseph Fourier reference match, harvesting and ingestion, browsing, LaTeX use in formula search, similarity and annotation service. Other functionalities will be added within a few months: the accessible PDF serving, the screen reader service, the annotation component as well as the REST service interface. The toolset is now in tests and improvement stage. The release is available on http://eudml.org.
The panel discussion EuDML: Accessing Europe's mathematical treasures organized the 6th European Congress of Mathematics, Kraków, Poland, on 2 July 2012: