Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / Cellule MathDoc (CNRS/CMD)


Cellule MathDoc is a joint service unit both of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique and of  Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble). It is devoted to mathematical documentation and in charge of the  NUMDAM program, and other projects relevant to EuDML which have been set up by UJF and CNRS  personnel: CEDRAM, mini-DML, Gallica-MATH, Bourbaki archive, etc. Main CNRS staff at CMD for this  project are: 

Yves Laurent is mathematician, directeur de recherches at Centre national de la recherche scientifique  (CNRS) and director of Cellule MathDoc, member of the steering committee of EMANI, member of the  coordination committee of Zentralblatt MATH. 

Catherine Barbe-Zoppis is senior engineer in computer science specialised in databases, metadata and web  services. She has developed several critical conversion, and quality insurance tools used in NUMDAM‘s  production.

CNRS/CMD Homepage