The EuDML enhancer toolset—demo version
Tuesday 12th Apr 2011
EuDML System demo
EuDML Content aggregation
EuDML Enhancer toolset demos
- PdfToTextViaOCR (Basic plaintext extraction from bitmap images which are rendered from a PDF document)
- PDFTester (Tests whether a PDF document contains multiple layers, page bitmaps and/or is born digital)
- PDF Text Extractor (Extracts plain text from a PDF document)
- MathML Extractor (Analyses a PDF document and extracts the mathematical expressions from it as a list of MathML structures)
- NLMTeX2TeX+MML (Takes an NLM conformant formula structure with a <texmath> stream, and adds MathML translations for all mathematical expressions encoded as LaTeX sources in the file)
- TeX2NLM (Identifies TEX math in a CDATA UTF-8 string, returns NLM conformant formula structure with dual streams original TeX and MathML)
- Plain Text Reference Segmenter (Extracts bibliographic references from plain text)
- Bibliographic Reference Parser (Parses a plain text bibliographic reference; extracts author names, title, publication year, etc.)
- ZBMATH Metadata Lookup (Get Zentralblatt MATH metadata for a publication given its Zentralblatt identifier)
- PdfJbIm (Recompress bitmap streams in a PDF document with JBIG2)
- Pdfsizeopt (Optimize PDF documents)
- math_metadata_lookup (MR/Zbl metadata search and fetch )
- ME Metadata Editor (standalone editing for use at providers’ sites)
EuDML Association