The EuDML site offers a possibility to:
- put comments on EuDML articles (see Notes on the bottom of each article page). These comments are of different types: comment, explanation, correction, example, advice.
- reply to comments
- mark comments as offensive
- suggest a MSC subject to an article (see Suggest a subject on the right side of each article page)
- add an article to a personal list (see Add to personal list on the right side of each article page)
- manage personal lists (make a list private/public, share a list with a group of EuDML users)
All these actions are handled by the Annotation Component service. By annotation we mean a comment or a subject suggestion. Apart of its content (annotation body) annotation contains meta-information about its:
- creator
- creation date
- primary target (the article)
- possibly a secondary target (in case of replies to other comments)
- visibility (public, private)
- language
- state – annotations are never deleted, only their state is changed to „deleted“
- URLs extracted from the annotation body
Annotation body can be a simple URL. Personal lists are actually lists of annotations containing links to article pages. Each annotation and personal list has its own URL of the form, e.g.,
Users can easily create personal lists and embed them in their sites. Apart from that possibility EuDML API offers a more complex access to annotations.