Work package 10: Accessibility component toolset implementation

Objectives: To provide support for producing versions of EuDML items accessible to visually impaired or dyslexic readers and for automatic language translation support.

  • Deliverable 10.1 – State of the art of accessibility tools The purpose of this report is to present a state of the art in accessibility tools that can be used to provide access to mathematical literature to visually impaired users as well as print impaired users (i.e., people with specific learning disabilities like dyslexia) as well as an overview of current automated translation technology. We draw some conclusions for the EuDML project by suggesting what support EuDML can provide for accessibility and translation as well as sketch a road map to the first prototype implementation of the accessibility tool set.
  • Deliverable 10.2 – Accessibility toolset – Deployment in live system In this document we describe the release of the accessibility toolkit for creating accessible mathematical documents in a wide variety of formats, designed to be compatible with a variety of software. We give a brief overview of the processes and output of the toolkit together with some initial evaluation.
  • Deliverable 10.4 - Enhancement and Deployment of Final Toolset In this report we present the final toolkit as integrated into EuDML that has been motivated by the outcome of the previous evaluation. In addition, we have included an enhancement providing one further format that is particularly geared towards web browser display and support for browser based text-to-speech support.