The EuDML metadata schema version 2.0 as defined by deliverable D3.6 is implemented in two XML schemas providing the 2 root elements holding XML metadata for two major types of items, namely journal articles and books.
A consequence of this choice is that:
Journal articles are described with unmodified Journal Archiving and Interchange Tag Set, NISO version 1.0 XML schema structure with root element <article>. However, as the NISO schema lacks a namespace declaration, the formal specification of the journal article schema, located at adds the definition of the target namespace “” to the standard XML schema definition. There are no other modifications to the standard.
Structured documentation for this schema is available at
The Best practices document helps maintain consistant encoding practices among EuDML content providers. See D3.6-appendix.pdf.
Books are described with a new schema with root element <book>. This schema is very similar to our previous EuDML book v1.0 structure (up to the introduction of a <front> elemnt to make it more similar to the article structure) but instead of being based on NCBI book tag library version 3.0, it only introduces the specific superstructure while most of the elements are reused unchanged from the article schema.
In the following a high level view of the schema is given, readers needing a detailed description are referred to the above documentation. The overall tree structure is similar to an article’s structure, with the following main parts:
<b:book> <b:front> ...</b:front> <b:body> ...</b:body> <a:back> ...</a:back> </b:book> |
Note that the <a:back> element lives in the journal article namespace. In the context of EuDML, it is used to hold reference lists (i.e the list of works that are cited by the given item) and the content is the same for both document types.
Book level metadata is wrapped in the <b:front> container, which may contain the following book specific elements:
The body of a book contains the metadata for its constituent parts, when available, according to the following (recursive) representation.
<b:book-part> <b:book-part-meta> ... </b:book-part-meta> <b:body> ... </b:body> <a:back> ... </a:back> </b:book-part> |
The metadata for book parts is actually almost the same as for a journal article. A few elements have been renamed for consistency while serving exactly the same purpose: <book-part-id> should be used instead of <article-id>. Various book part titles are grouped in a <title-group> element whose content model is slightly different from an article’s <title-group>, the <title> element should be used instead of <article-title>. A book part may have its own reference list (as is the case of a proceedings article or a chapter in an edited book), the <a:back> element is thus allowed in a book part description.
The following is a simplified example of tagging a book part.
<b:book-part> <b:book-part-meta> <b:book-part-id pub-id-type="dmlcz-id">400227</b:book-part-id> <b:title-group> <b:title xml:lang="de">Bernard Bolzano’s Schriften</b:title> <a:trans-title-group xml:lang="cs"> <a:trans-title>Spisy Bernarda Bolzana</a:trans-title> </a:trans-title-group> </b:title-group> <a:contrib-group> <a:contrib contrib-type="author"> <a:string-name>Bolzano, Bernard</a:string-name> </a:contrib> </a:contrib-group> <a:fpage>[1a]</a:fpage> <a:lpage>[1e]</a:lpage> </b:book-part-meta> </b:book-part> |
The formal definition of this schema can be found at the following location:
Structured documentation is available at
The Best practices document are part of these specifications and explain how to use a certain number of JATS elements and attributes in order to contribute unambiguously high quality metadata to EuDML.
A validation service, against the schemas and the best practices, using a dedicated schematron engine, is ran on each incoming XML harvested through OAI-PMH. A demo that can be used by external partners to test the quality of their files and compliance with these specifications and best practices will be soon available at
Conformant EuDML v2.0 XML examples are available from EuDML OAI-PMH server, see Examples of EuDML XML structures and coding practices can be found (in some non-documented variant) using the "NLM metadata via REST" services, see
Since we released the initial version of the EuDML schema, the NLM Journal Archiving and Interchange Tag Suite has been passed over to the NISO standard body which has published NISO Z39.96-2012. As a consequence, a new Journal Archiving and Interchange Tag Set schema, with NISO version 1.0 has been published.
Differences between the NLM 3.0 and NISO 1.0 are shown on the web page
Straightforward consequences of these changes are:
The main differences between initial and final versions of the EuDML metadata schema are:
EuDML metadata schema specification (v1.0) (previous version)